Proofproper is a professional, fast and efficient proof-reading business that takes pride in offering its clients a reliable, personal service at competitive rates.

Could this be you?

Have your papers or articles ever been rejected just because your English has let you down?

Has your English grammar ever been the reason for low essay grades?

If so, then we at Proofproper may have the answer!


Firstly, let us reassure you. You are not alone!

Worldwide, thousands of manuscripts are rejected annually, even though they contain much useful and interesting information. The reason for this is that the author is often not able to express himself/ herself clearly, concisely and accurately in English. As a result, before it can be published, the manuscript often requires extensive revision and sometimes, rewriting completely. This is not always possible and it is often easier for the editor simply to reject the whole article. This is particularly frustrating for those authors whose first language is not English, especially since their careers frequently depend on having work published in the most prestigious learned journals, many of which are written solely in English.

We at Proofproper can help.


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